
In October 2005, an article appeared in the Buffalo News about a grass-roots effort to save the Brighton Library. Soon after, more dedicated volunteers committed themselves to safeguarding this valuable community resource.

A fund raiser was quickly pulled together to raise money for the utilities and it was clear through the success of this event that this important undertaking had the support of many town residents.

Since that time, a non-profit corporation has been formed, officers have been chosen and an occupancy agreement has been arranged with the Town of Tonawanda, which enabled the group to gain ownership of the contents and remaining book collection of the former library. That collection, now supplemented by hundreds of books we have since purchased, along with many hours of hard work, some fresh paint and exciting plans for the future have all come together in Brighton Place.

Now we need your help. Please consider becoming a member and play a role in securing a bright future for Brighton Place.

Join us as we begin the next chapter.

Brighton Place Has Many Different Types of Media to Offer to People of All Ages.

Our DVD collection has expanded to include over 1,000 titles. We offer some of the newest titiles along with your favorite classic films.

We offer several titles on the current bestseller lists such as those from James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, and Dean Koontz. No need to wait two months to borrow from other libraries.

Our library has over 25 magazine titles that are available for check out or just to stop in and read. They include: People, Time, O, and Sports Illustrated.

Our library collection also includes children’s picture pictures, junior readers, junior fiction, young adult fiction, adult fiction, and adult non-fiction. There is a little bit of something for everyone who stops in to visit.

For the price of renting 1 movie you can borrow as many movies, CD's, and books as you would need from Brighton Place!

So stop in and see what we have to offer you and your family!